Wednesday, January 28, 2009

And some days absolutely nothing happens...

Yet another car line up...This one was good, but

it was nothing compared to the gas shortage last week, reminiscent of the 1973 oil crisis...

Does anyone else find it odd that in a house with 3 bathrooms they all run out of toilet paper at the same time?

"Mama! Mama! Look! Am I soooo strong?"

"Mama! I think I need some help with my coat."

Lili and Jax were gifted about a trillion Beanie Babies from my step-mom, who had quite the collection back in the day. They NEEDED to have nappies. Absolutely NEEDED them.

Today was your run of the mill average day :)


mummyof6monsters said...

hahaha so the lining up of cars is just a boy thing ,not OCD? my son has done this since he was 12 months old,i always thought it was so cute! he gets so angry if you mess up the line too:)

Anonymous said...

Betsy, this picture thing is so much fun. I know I'm a dork, but I actually look forward to seeing what you've posted every day. Thank you!

Jell-o Flinger said...

Lisa, actually my daughter is the one that lines up the cars- I have yet to see what Jax will do when he's at that age...
Brandy, that's awesome! Hopefully I can keep it up all year- posting at 11:59 still counts, right? ;)