Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Up the Down Staircase

We have known for awhile now that Jax can climb the stairs. But, seeing as he is only just shy of eight months old, we have just spent the last month or two picking him up and putting him back near us after he gets to the second or third steps or trying to distract his interest in the stairs completely. Today I was making sandwiches with him on the kitchen floor with me. Easy sandwiches. Lay toasted bread on cookie sheet, 1-2-3 layers then pop in the broiler for 30 seconds. The sandwiches were in the broiler and Jax was crawling around into the dining room. No biggie, I figured he'd head for the living room where Lili stashes a great amount of her toys. So, I went ahead and waited the 30 seconds, got them out and set them on the stove. Pulled out 3 plates. Got the urge to check on the babe and...this is how I found him. I didn't tell Lili because I'm quite sure he was extra motivated by the toys she had put on the landing in order to keep them away from him. I'm sure she'd have a fit if she knew he was up there playing with them- it would mean NOTHING is safe. ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are still battling the stairs...little boys