Sunday, January 11, 2009


Before we left NJ my friend Karen and I decided to learn to knit. We found a fabulous yarn shop and signed up for lessons but for some reason the owner decided she couldn't teach us to knit so we learned to crochet- she couldn't teach me that either being a lefty, so I watched her teach Karen and attempted to figure it out on my own. I never made any of the classes after that because it was right when I hurt my shoulder then we moved and, well...
Once we started having kiddos I was desperate to learn to knit but never really found the time or anyone who was excited about the idea of teaching me (for free). Now that Sabbath has started the Natural Parenting Fiber Artists group I've got access to a great group of mamas to walk me through it. And as a bonus, I get to get out of the house on occasion. Now if only I could advance from stitching a blob to actually making something.

1 comment:

TattooedMama said...

With your abbreviated title there, we sound like a wing of the NRA!