Saturday, February 28, 2009

Friday, February 27, 2009

Science Center

I think we now have about 15 rockets floating around the house as this is clearly Lili's favorite part of the Science Center these days...

And just because posts this week aren't complete unless they involve knitting or the Science Center, today I'll include both ;)

Finished baby rattle

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Jax loves to play the trumpet with Scott.

Um, so does Lili.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bite This Book

It's finished!

lil' folksinger

I have about 4 minutes of video of her making up fun songs about animals but this one was nice and short, which makes youtube happy.

Sick Day

Monday, February 23, 2009


Well, it's very far from perfect, but it's almost done. And I'm glad I did it- This book has been a short, easy project for me that changes often enough to keep me from getting bored but isn't complicated enough for me to avoid it, and I learned alot.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Little Helper

We had a really rough night last night and decided to make today a lazy Sunday. I spent most of the day knitting and sewing gifts for my cousin and his wife, as well as working on Jax's knit book. Jax really likes to help me sew- he loves to knock over all the hat boxes full of velcro, snaps, pins, etc. and then climb underneath the sewing machine and sit on my foot while it's on the pedal. He's so helpful. :)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009

Peaceful Winter Town

I know what you're thinking- wow, that sure is a sweet, picturesque little town that they live in! But no, those are just our Xmas decorations, still up. And I can tell you that they aren't coming down this weekend. Or this week. Next weekend looks doubtful, too. Then we'll be into March and well, I guess we'll see what happens...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Just for Kicks...


Hickory Park

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Lili loves the book Blue Hat, Green Hat. It was the first book that she learned to "read" (memorized all the words and correct pages) when she was 2. She loved it so much that Mee Maw actually bought her the book, as we had already checked it out 47 times from the library. It's been shelved since about last summer, as her interests have advanced to whatever story is the longest and this one is rather short. Yes, she definitely figured out that 3 short books is not nearly as good and one super long book. Or, three super long books. Lili decided to bring it out tonight to read to Jax and I- it's nice for her to do the stories once in awhile :)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

If your looking for a nice, quiet dinner I don't suggest taking two kids out to eat crab. Or really, any extremely messy food that you need to eat with your hands. Between the distracted baby who kept wanting to nurse while also popping off every 13 seconds to look at the flashing lights (um, I hope there weren't any epileptics in the dining room tonight) or huge shark over his head and the 3 year old who had to use the restroom three times (she had to keep going back because she "wasn't ready") in ten minutes we quickly became THAT table.

And the Little Dude is 9 months old today! Going way to fast...


I know it's been awhile since I've browsed the mall, but when did this new breed of mannequin pop up...?

Friday, February 13, 2009

Daddy's Home!

Scott's daily greeting from his adoring fans.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I'm tired. And grumpy. And apparently making up my own stitches. I'd check some videos for help, but I have 12 minutes left on this laptop battery and can't recharge thanks to Jax destroying my laptop. So, it's off to bed with a knitting mess, and a super lame photo for today.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Lili stepped in some playdough- can you tell? This happened at a playdate on Monday. Obviously, I haven't attempted to clean it out yet. I was originally thinking I would put them outside for it to freeze then chip it out, but it hasn't been cold enough. Now I'm wondering if I can just wait for her to outgrow the boots and avoid cleaning it altogether. Would it be mean to take them to Goodwill like that?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Gray's Lake

We spent the day enjoying the great weather because...well let's just say that this isn't our first February in Iowa. Lili kept asking me if it was Spring- no honey. Something tells me we have some ugly weather waiting for us just around the corner. But we did have a fabulous day enjoying the outdoors and most of it was spent at Grays Lake. We walked the two miles of the Kruidenier Trail several times and as Lili stopped 1500 times in her little speedy race car to put pebbles in her trunk, look at the ice and all other things 3 year old I was reading several of the name plaques along the bridge. I just loved this one.

And of course, the gratuitous cute baby...

Thank goodness for the warm weather as we had a diaper change emergency in the Costco parking lot. He was rolling all over the place so I had to change him standing up, and the second you took his hands off the steering wheel he screamed bloody murder. Scott is so proud to have not one, but apparently TWO car kids. Now we just need to figure out who is the driver and who is the navigator...

Monday, February 9, 2009

That's how we roll...

Lili kept on asking Lottie to get on top of the car when she was driving it- and her wise mama said that she thought it probably wasn't the best idea. Unfortunately, I don't think even wildfire could keep Lili from cruising it TeenWolf style.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Saturday, February 7, 2009


I was terribly sick of looking at roots so today I actually used the box of hair dye (that Scott insisted was the best match for my roots) and ...I hate it. Hate. It. Oh well, come spring I'm getting the pink I've been after for years. So, humpf.

And, just because it's impossible not to add some baby cuteness-

Friday, February 6, 2009

HMN Morning Playgroup

We had a good time at Archie Brooks this morning, though with the extra crowds it seemed as though someone was crying or getting run over every ten minutes or so. We were lucky to get to head over to Thai Flavors with Sara and Bella afterwards, but I doubt we were much fun considering how overtired the whole family was- oh well. It was yummy food and we enjoyed hanging out with old friends!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


What an awesome group of mamas :)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Science Center of Iowa

Every Science Center/Children's Museum has one- at what age are the kids old enough to actually do it themselves?

Sunday, February 1, 2009


I scored a bunch of Baby K'Tan Baby carriers recently. So far I love them- they are easy to use and a great two-shoulder option to wear under your coat in the winter time for quick trips into a store. I love my mei tai's and wraps, but tails and straps dragging in the muddy snow in a parking lot isn't so much fun. Neither is having to choose between wearing a coat and properly tying on the baby. So, typically for quick trips into a store during the winter we use fleece pouches. They are easy to keep under my coat and drop the baby in and out as we go from store to store. However, at 20 lbs, one shoulder carriers can get a bit uncomfortable and I do have a kid that loves to lean and reach for anything he can grab right now. A two shoulder option has been great. The only downside to getting the carriers on clearance was the lack of color choices, so, pink it is! Or, was. :)