Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Starting today, 1.1.09 I'm going to attempt a picture a day for 365 days. Sounds easy for a photographer, right? Unfortunately I spent many of my days chasing, cleaning and running errands which leaves a brain a bit scattered to remember to grab a snapshot of...nothing. But when the camera IS out I have 4G of images to sort through. So, I'm trying 365- one image at a time. Not 40 shots to pick from, not perfect images- just snapshots of our lives as we tackle each day. I'm sure many of them won't be too exciting :)

Today we decided to take down the Christmas Tree. It took us a few hours to organize the ornaments, collect holiday decorations from around the house and clean up pine needles but it's done. Well, except for Lili's little tree but that's easy to take down and is providing a lovely little night light for now.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy Holidays

And oh, was it. We had a great holiday with our nephew, Scott's sister, and his mom and step-dad. As hectic as it is there is something so right about a house full of family on a winter holiday. Jax was celebrating his first Christmas, as was Kyle.

Treasures in the Stockings
They each got new aprons and race cars- Lili got her first piece of chocolate- she wasn't a fan- yet. If she's anything like her mother that sweet tooth will kick in fairly soon :) They were all fans of the traditional oranges, though.

Jax's first stocking

Lili has a Giraffe bank that she got from her Mee Maw for her second birthday. Mee Maw always remembers to send nickels to feed the Giraffe, which Lili loves to do. She also sent some yummy dried mango treats in one of the four (!) boxes that she sent.

But it's true what they say...No matter how big or fancy the present, these kids are just happy with the box.

Or in this case, the bubble packing.

Revealing Questions- from Jessica

Revealing quesitons from Jessica
Bath or Shower?
Dog or Cat?
Creamy or Chunky?
Morning or Night?
Chocolate or Vanilla?
Paper or Plastic?
1.) Shower. I could stand there and waste water for longer than I care to admit. If you've met our shower, you'd understand. I also am one of those people that actually uses her soaker tub, though it seems most people just use it as a dust collector. Lili likes to get in with me and create bubble mountains :)
2.) Dog. We have a dog, who's crazy around new people but most of the times is pretty chill for a small dog. I had an awesome cat when I was growing up that you could carry around like a baby, cuddle with you, talk to and he could use the toilet but that was the only cat I've loved. The rest of them tend to be too skiddish and hairy for me. I hate cat hair.
3.)Creamy. If your buying regular peanut butter, though my favorite is the stuff from the Farmer's Market has natural chunks in it- but it's still different than straight up chunky.
4.) Night. I'm more productive in the mornings after a night's sleep (what is that??!) but right now I love night because it is the only time I get to spend with my husband and don't have to chase around kiddos ;)
5.) Vanilla. Yup. Yum, yum.
6.) Reusable bags. I'm like Jessica, though and often forget, so I tend to not accept bags and push the whole cart up to the car and load them into my bags there. Why is that so hard to remember sometimes?
What about you guys???

Friday, December 12, 2008

Oh Tannenbaum

I know I'm a bit late with this post, but as long as it's before Xmas it's not TOO late, right?
At the Kidman Tree Farm- Scott was trying to find the biggest tree that they had...

What we got- just kidding :) This is Lili's tree, and was actually our first tree ever, back in our tiny one bedroom apartment in NJ. Now Lili decorates it every year, which typically means 47 ornaments on one branch. She also has her little trains on a mini track around the base, such fun for a 3 year old :)

And the big ole' tree. It feels like Macy's up in this joint!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Bad Parenting 201

Apparently I could do an entire blog on bad parenting moments...

Lili had a bath tonight. She was refusing at first, which was odd because typically she loves any excuse to wash her cars. I enticed her with the bait of a big bubble bath in mama's soaker tub, which of course worked like a charm and she stayed in long after I had gotten out and she was uber pruney. So we did jim jams and stories and it wasn't until after she went to bed that I looked into the recently drained tub...

The thing is, we used to bath her every night as part of our bedtime routine. Of course, there was just one of her and two doting parents so... :) Once her eczema reared it's head we stopped bathing her every night, and once Jax came along we got REALLY lax about it. As in, when we give her a sniff and she stinks, we do some rough math ("did she get a bath last week? What day is it again?") to decide if we can't avoid it any longer. Scott and I both noticed how stinky she was today and, um, by the looks of the tub we MAY be getting a bit too lazy on this matter. It's not like it's the middle of summer and she just got back from a sand pit or anything. This is middle of winter dirt. On a girl. Yikes.

Monday, December 1, 2008

bad parenting 101

We had a long drive home from Indiana yesterday. It should be about 7 hours, but we had an extra 3 hours thanks to the ice. Driving 15 miles/hour on the highway is no fun, especially when the wind starts blowing the van across the lanes. Anyway, Jax was overtired and sick of being in his seat. He didn't want to nurse or calm down for anything. I was frustrated, tired and ready to ride on top of the van like cargo instead of inside with all the screaming. Scott pulled off at a rest stop and took Jax inside to try to get him to sleep. As soon as he left the car Lili said, "Mama, it's okay to be frustrated but next time just say, 'Dadda I need some help' okay?"

Cue me crawling under the seat in shame.

This brilliant, sensitive, exhausting 3 year old had better perspective on the situation than her mama.