Wednesday, September 10, 2008


High Fructose Corn Syrup. Not good, right?
I just saw an ADVERTISEMENT for HFCS. On TV. Oh dear god.
I understand farmers are paranoid about people hating corn, not in it's original form, but realizing it's a big, bad idea to grow it for things like feed and fuel. And now that people are starting to realize the impact the things we ingest have on our lives (go figure) they are questioning HFCS. According to this commerical, people don't know why they are supposed to be hating HFCS. They also appear to only be concerned with the caloric content of sweetners, therefore HFCS is just the same as sugar so we all need to realize it's just fine. Yeah, that's why it's bad for you, high calories. That and the fact it can only be broken down by the liver, unlike sugar and that is it a GM product created in fermenting liquid by adding and removing chemicals, unlike sugar (for now).

This is getting ridiculous. I'm moving to Canada if I see a commerical for crack. Seriously.

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