Thursday, July 31, 2008

What Happens During "Naptime"...

We're sick right now, can you tell?
I didn't think so.
There has been little sleep around here with two kids waking all night long and I would love for my lovely daughter and I to get on the mend, so after our visit with the doctor today I informed her it was naptime. Our bodies need rest so that they can heal. Or, our bodies need to run around like a mad little monkey for awhile. Playing with Mr. Potato head. Doing puzzles. Reading. This what I found the third time I went up (and, yes, the time I gave up)- my little monkey hanging from the stair balusters, about 1000 barretts in her hair and toothpaste on her face, wearing the T-shirt she had put on her stuffed monkey the day before and had been wearing for 3 days straight. And what does she say?
"Mama, I needed to get some new barretts because my red one from the car fell behind the bed and I can't reach it. So I needed to get some new ones. And I had to brush my teeth because we forgot to do that before bedtime. But don't worry, I'm all full of resting right now."
Cue massive giggling fit from 3 year old.
Cue mom almost peeing herself.

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