Sunday, March 1, 2009

365 Project Update

Two months in and I've met my goal of a photo a day, AND have uploaded and post said photo each day by midnight. The problem is the midnight part. I'm definitely going to continue the project but I may take a note from Sarah and allow myself to post only once or twice a week. I guess I'm not committed either way, but I wanted to relax that part to see if I'd start posting more written content- because as it is by the time I get to sit down at night (which remember is interrupted at least every hour by a very short person upstairs) I have lots of other things I need to be doing (ahem, KNIT, screw the dishes!) so by the time I get those done and upload the photo I'm out of energy for writing anything. So, I will continue a photo a day but not necessarily POST them everyday. Thanks Sabbath for the reminder to check in with our goals for the year :)

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