Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Lili stepped in some playdough- can you tell? This happened at a playdate on Monday. Obviously, I haven't attempted to clean it out yet. I was originally thinking I would put them outside for it to freeze then chip it out, but it hasn't been cold enough. Now I'm wondering if I can just wait for her to outgrow the boots and avoid cleaning it altogether. Would it be mean to take them to Goodwill like that?


Sarah said...

Things you might try:
- soak in a tub or washer then scrub with a scrubber (one of those brushes like a veggie brush but stiffer)

- let dry out really good and just give the boots a good whack.

We've successfully used both of these strategies for playdough in the past.

Jell-o Flinger said...

Sarah, I actually did both of your suggestions- Thanks!