Sunday, February 1, 2009


I scored a bunch of Baby K'Tan Baby carriers recently. So far I love them- they are easy to use and a great two-shoulder option to wear under your coat in the winter time for quick trips into a store. I love my mei tai's and wraps, but tails and straps dragging in the muddy snow in a parking lot isn't so much fun. Neither is having to choose between wearing a coat and properly tying on the baby. So, typically for quick trips into a store during the winter we use fleece pouches. They are easy to keep under my coat and drop the baby in and out as we go from store to store. However, at 20 lbs, one shoulder carriers can get a bit uncomfortable and I do have a kid that loves to lean and reach for anything he can grab right now. A two shoulder option has been great. The only downside to getting the carriers on clearance was the lack of color choices, so, pink it is! Or, was. :)


TattooedMama said...

Hey those turned out great! What did you use and what color?

Funky Mama said...

FABULOUS! I love it! I want one now. Darn it! Any left at Target?

Sarah said...

Are those like the ones Maya was selling a while back? You know you have to bring them to Babwearing, right??