Thursday, September 24, 2009

On to June...

6.1.09 Spoon for the apple.

6.2.09 Peter Potty has arrived.

6.3.09 Three Year Old Letters. She sounds it out and writes them herself, all transportation themed. Helicopter, racecar...

6.4.09 Making Cheese.

6.5.09 Enid.

6.6.09 Blais at the Farmers Market? Who knew!

6.7.09 Elle's wings.

6.8.09 So many kids.

6.9.09 Lettuce girl.

6.10.09 playtime is all the time.

6.11.09 The Underwear Brigade

6.12.09 Adventureland downpour

6.13.09 Monkey in the Middle.

6.14.09 Busy with photoshoots all weekend.

6.15.09 I like raisins on my pizza, I like raisin pizza please. Put some raisins on my pizza, don't forget the extra cheese...

6.15.09 *these next two are extras, but I had to include them. Lili picked out "the best" Father's Day cards a three year could imagine. They are just. so. her. And of course, a train for the inside...

6.16.09 Strawberry thief.

6.17.09 zucchini muffins.

6.18.09 Canned yumminess.

6.19.09 Farmers Market popcorn and Charlotte's Web.

6.20.09 Trumpet

6.21.09 Ashby Where's Waldo?

6.22.09 Hello Mee Maw.

6.23.09 Rain, rain, go away.

6.24.09 Perfect Day yesterday

6.25.09 Ashby.

6.26.09 Moving the armoire.

6.27.09 New window well

6.28.09 hello- hello- hello?

6.29.09 The shoo goes on the foo.

6.30.09 Zoo.

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